The many layers of Rueben (GB), 2010, clay, 47 x 22cm
The many layers of Rueben (GB), 2010, clay, 47 x 22cm
Fino a un certo punto, sono d’accordo con lei
(Up to a point I agree with you) (IT), 2011, oil on linen, 35 x 40cm
Un biglietto per… (A ticket for…) (IT), 2011, oil on linen, 40 x 35cm
Può mostrarmi...? (Can you show me...?) (IT), 2011, oil on linen, 38 x 32cm
The great weight of lightness (GB), 2010, oil on linen, 20.5 x 25.5cm
Don’t get lonely (GB), 2010, C-type print, 25.4 x 26.5cm
天上的和声馆 (Pavilion of heavenly harmonies) (CN), 2012, oil on paper, 29.7 x 21cm